domingo, 12 de enero de 2025

Ireland: Will We Be Never Hungry?

Hi. How are you? Welcome back to one more day  from the Canary Islands to the world with a new episode of this podcast about human rights or other curiosities. A pleasure to be here.

I began to study English Studies, including Literature, this year, and one of the tasks was writting an essay about poverty in Ireland through Jonathan Swift's work " A Modest Proposal". 

The reason for using Swift’s work is to explain the financial crisis that affected Ireland in 2008. Poor populations always pay for bad political decisions, remembering another crisis,  in Ireland, like the potato famine or religious rivalries or hate.

Nowadays all has chaged. The symbolic epicentre of Ireland’s wealth is the part of the capital known as Silicon Docks.

Alongside quays and canals on the southern side of the River Liffey, glistening glass offices house key European bases for some of the richest companies on earth. But, is the Irish people enjoying these benefits?

Places like Silicon Docks, a European " Silicon Valley," can provoke a gentrified effect: homelessness in Ireland is at a record high—with the most recent figures showing 12,600 people were in emergency accommodation in June.

And with this I conclude today episode, see you in the next one!

If you have any comments or suggestions for future episodes, you can write me a comment.

Patricia López Muñoz
Higher Technician in Sociocultural Dynamisation
Specialist Technician in Immigration
Higher Technician in Social Integration

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