Hi. How are you? Welcome back to one more day from the Canary Islands to the world with a new episode of this podcast about human rights or other curiosities. A pleasure to be here.
Process of constantly acquiring information and training in attitudes, beliefs and values about sexuality, including effective communication skills and responsible decision-making.
Sexuality education should be integrated into educational centers as a human right of children and adolescents, and an international recommendation based on scientific evidence
Sexuality education in schools , with a focus on sexual and reproductive rights and a gender perspective, has demonstrated to have a significant positive effect on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, with a delay in the initiation of sexual relations and an increase in the use of contraceptive methods, as well as a reduction in the rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies.
And with this I conclude today episode, see you in the next one!
If you have any comments or suggestions for future episodes, you can write me a comment.
Patricia López Muñoz
Higher Technician in Sociocultural Dynamisation
Specialist Technician in Immigration
Higher Technician in Social Integration
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