lunes, 13 de junio de 2022




Nuestro proyecto de intervención social, se basa, sobretodo, en cubrir la necesidad de ocio y tiempo libre de los usuarios del Centro de Primera Acogida a Inmigrantes  perteneciente a Cruz Roja Española.

Igualmente, cabe reseñar, que, dicha área engloba otra de vital importancia que facilita la integración de los usuarios en la sociedad, como es la participación en actividades que fomenten la tolerancia, tanto dentro como fuera del centro.

Our social intervention project is based, above all, on covering the need for leisure and free time of the users of the First Reception Center for Immigrants belonging to the Spanish Red Cross.

Likewise, it should be noted that this area encompasses another area of vital importance that facilitates the integration of users in society, such as participation in activities that promote tolerance, both inside and outside the center.

Se trata de una intervención social que pretende sensibilizar a la población joven ante el fenómeno de la inmigración y las consecuencias negativas, provocadas por los delitos de odio, que incluso han llegado al deporte.

Es, por ello, que se hace necesario mostrar con este proyecto, que  es posible la convivencia con personas procedentes de otras culturas a través del conocimiento y entendimiento mutuo. 

It is a social intervention that aims to sensitize the young population to the phenomenon of immigration and the negative consequences caused by hate crimes, which have even reached sports.

That is why it is necessary to show with this project that it is possible to coexist with people from other cultures through knowledge and mutual understanding.

In this project, a social intervention is proposed, which starts from the need towards the group of young people with attitudes of rejection towards the group, with the intention of contextualizing or intervening. The needs we have listed affect the majority of the society.

The research also investigated the level of acceptance or rejection by adolescents towards people in a situation of social exclusion, with the purpose of characterizing the nature and intensity of aporophobia in the adolescent population enrolled in the institute where it was implemented in particular.

Patricia López Muñoz
Técnico Superior en Animación Sociocultural
Técnico Especialista en Inmigración
Técnico Superior en Integración Social

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